Meet us at
Big Data London

20 – 21 September, 2023
Olympia London

Accelerate Innovation with Fast Data Access & High-Quality ML Code

TurinTech’s evoML platform and Starburst’s SQL query engine come together
to bring your business the agility and speed needed to stay competitive.

Fast-Track Your ML Workflow and Accelerate Model Runtime with Efficient Code

evoML streamlines the end-to-end data science workflow for predictive models and custom LLMs, reducing the time required to just days. It also improves ML code efficiency for faster running speed and higher profitability.

Unlock Peak Performance and Cost Savings with GenAI

Artemis identifies inefficient code and suggests optimal changes for peak performance using proprietary ML-based optimisation and LLMs.

Schedule a demo with our experienced team!

Our team will guide you through a demo of how you can boost application speed and cut computational costs.


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